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Writer's pictureAustin James




A wicked (רשע , Rasha) person is someone who knowingly transgresses G-d's commandments, acts immorally, and causes harm to others, displaying a disregard for the Divine will and the welfare of the community.


The distinction between a righteous and a wicked person is a recurring theme. Each is based on the path and lifestyle they choose to pursue. Both may slip, a righteous person may slip and do an evil deed, and a wicked person may slip and do a good deed. But it is the path that defines them, not their missteps along the way.


Individuals have free will and are therefore responsible for their choices. Therefore, wickedness is a result of one's actions and decisions rather than a fixed or inherent trait. Consequently, there is room for the wicked to repent and transform from a wicked person to a righteous person. Even those considered wicked have the capacity to return to G-d, rectify their actions, and be forgiven, as emphasized in scripture.


An illustrative verse from Ezekiel 33:11 reflects G-d's desire for the wicked to repent and live:


"Say unto them: As I live, saith the L-rd G-D, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?"


This passage emphasizes the compassionate and forgiving nature of G-d, highlighting the opportunity for even the wicked to change their ways and choose life by embracing righteousness. The concept of the wicked, therefore, is not only a categorization of behavior but also a call to ethical reflection and spiritual growth, encouraging individuals to strive for betterment and alignment with Divine will.

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