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Writer's pictureAustin James

The Smart Sabbath

In our big, busy world, there's a special day every week called Shabbat (or Sabbath). It's a day that's kind of like a superhero, helping us to pause all our busy work and spend time with our families and friends. Just imagine: no rush, no chores, just fun and togetherness. It's like a holiday that happens every single week! How cool is that!?

During the week, everyone is so busy with jobs, school, and taking care of our homes. Sometimes we watch a lot of TV or play on our phones and tablets, and sometimes people feel alone or ignored because of all the distractions. But Shabbat is different. On Shabbat, we turn off our TVs and gadgets and spend time really talking and playing with our families and the people in our community. It's like having a special family adventure together; everyone is included.

Shabbat is also a time when we remember the Torah and its teachings. It's like a day for our hearts and minds to rest and think about all the good things we can do. Imagine taking a big, deep breath and feeling happy and calm, ready for a new week. While we get everything prepared during the week so we can enjoy the Sabbath, the Sabbath recharges us so that we have the spiritual and physical energy to take on another week.

On Shabbat, we do things a little differently. We don't turn on lights or cook food because Shabbat is a rest day, a day without work. This helps shape our minds and become better thinkers. We have to be careful about what we do and how we do them. We have to think about how things work in ways we don't usually do throughout the week. It's like being a detective and exploring the world in a new way. Learning about Shabbat helps us become really smart. We learn about nature, like plants and animals, and about how things work, like electricity and fire. It's like being a little scientist discovering new things!

Shabbat also makes us think creatively. We come up with new ideas for playing games and how to do things differently. We might even think of cool inventions, like a special light bulb just for Shabbat! In fact, did you know that a lot of the greatest scientists and inventors observed Shabbat? Shabbat makes you understand yourself and the world around you better!

Understanding Shabbat's rules is like playing a fun game where we learn to follow important instructions. It helps us understand rules, which is really important for lots of things, like playing games fairly or being safe.

Knowing when Shabbat starts and ends means we have to be constantly aware of how our time is used and understand the distinctions between day and night. We learn about the stars, the moon, and when the sun rises and sets. It's like being a little astronaut exploring space.

Shabbat is a wonderful day that helps us in so many ways. It makes our brains work in fun and exciting ways, helps us relax, and brings us closer to our families and friends. Celebrating Shabbat every week is like having a special adventure that helps us grow, learn, and be happy. Let's enjoy Shabbat and join in the awesomeness that it brings us every week!

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