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Writer's pictureAustin James

The Big Why!

Have you ever wondered why we were created and why there's good and not-so-good stuff in the world? Well, let me tell you a story that might help explain it.

Imagine G-d is like a super amazing artist who wants to share His beautiful art. He creates a special painting – that's us and the world around us! G-d is perfect, and He made everything so we can be close to Him and feel happy and complete.

But wait, there's also stuff that's not so nice, right? Like when we feel sad or things go wrong. That's like the dark colors in a painting. Without them, we wouldn't know how bright and beautiful the light colors are! So, sometimes G-d lets us see dark and light, so we can understand how wonderful the bright parts are and choose to be close to Him, which is the best good of all. G-d lets his children, like you, to do things that might not be good so that you can learn why they aren't good. Like a mom who says, "Don't eat your soup until it cools down!" and you say "It's fine, I can handle it!" but then you take a sip and burn your tongue. The next time your mom says to wait for it to cool down, then you will probably think twice!

Now, let's think about how we enjoy all the good things G-d gives us. Imagine your mom decorates your house beautifully and makes a yummy dinner, all for you. How would you enjoy it? You could just eat quickly and leave, or you could ignore it. But the best way? To really look at all the lovely decorations, eat the food, say how delicious it is, and thank your mom. That's what makes your mom the happiest!

It's like that with G-d too. He gives us so many good things, like the beautiful world, yummy food, our families, and friends. And when we enjoy these things and say thank you to G-d, it's like we're giving Him a big hug back. That makes G-d super happy, and it makes us feel great too!

G-d also gives us special rules to follow, kind of like a recipe for living a good life. These rules are like a delicious meal your mom cooks for you. If you follow the recipe with love and joy, you'll make something yummy and feel really good inside.

Saying thank you for everything, even when things are tough, is like seeing the big picture in G-d's painting. Maybe something sad happens, like losing a toy, but we can still be thankful because we know G-d has a plan, and everything fits together in His big, beautiful picture.

Remember, everything G-d does is for us, to help us be truly happy and close to Him. He uses the world to teach us and make us better people. As we learn, we can help the rest of the world learn too! When the entire world knows G-d and His perfect ways of living and the correct way to find happiness, then we will be in paradise forever! Even when we're hungry, it might just be a reminder for us to bless G-d for food and feel that special connection to G-d.

So, let's enjoy all the good things, follow G-d's rules with a happy heart, and always remember to say thank you. That's how we can be super close to G-d and make the most of this wonderful world He made just for us!

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