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Writer's pictureAustin James

Modest Me

Updated: Mar 12

Imagine you have a treasure, the most precious treasure in the whole wide world. It's so special and valuable that you want to keep it safe and protected. You wouldn't leave it out in the open where anything could happen to it, right? You'd probably put it in a special box, maybe even lock it up, so only you and the people you trust can see it and appreciate its beauty. This treasure is like a secret between you and those who care about it as much as you do.

Our bodies are like a precious treasure. They're a gift from G-d, and they're where our souls live. Our souls are like little sparks from G-d, making our bodies very, very special. Just like we cover our most precious and secret treasures, we also dress modestly to show respect for the special gift G-d has given us. The only ones who should see this treasure are G-d, who made it, our parents, whom G-d gave us to protect it, and our husband or wife when we get married.

Some people might wonder, "If our bodies are so special, why cover them up? Shouldn't we show them off?" Well, remember our secret treasure? If everyone could see it all the time, it wouldn't be special or secret anymore. By keeping it safe, it remains precious and wonderful to us. It's the same with our bodies. By dressing modestly, we're saying, "This is something very special, and I respect it a lot." It also makes our bodies holy, which means set-apart from the rest of the world.

And here's something super cool to think about: just like the Torah is kept hidden in the Ark and only taken out for special times, we keep our bodies covered because they're holy and important. We're not hiding them because we're ashamed; we're covering them because they're super special and deserve the highest respect. When we leave them uncovered all the time for everyone else to look at, we are saying we don't think we are special.

So, whether you're a boy or a girl, remember that your body is like a secret treasure chest for you and G-d, and it's holding something very precious—your soul. By dressing modestly, you're taking care of that treasure, keeping it safe and respected, just like a true guardian of something very, very special.

Remember, every time you dress in a way that respects your special hidden treasure, you're showing how much you value the wonderful gift G-d has given you. And that's something to be proud of, every single day!

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Aaron G
Aaron G
12 mar
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Important topic, will definitely share with my kids.

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