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Writer's pictureAustin James

It's Okay to Feel Sad

You probably have a super special toy or a favorite book right? You know how we take care of the things that are important to us? We don't want them to get ruined or broken. Well, there's something even more special than a toy or book, and it's something that we all have, and that's our very own selves!

Our bodies and our lives are gifts from God; they are very special treasures. Just like we wouldn't harm our favorite toy or book because they mean a lot to us, we also need to take care of ourselves because G-d loves us and we should love ourselves too.

Sometimes, people feel very sad, so sad that they might forget how special they are. It's like when you feel lost and can't remember the way home. But remember, no matter how lost or sad we feel, there's always a way back home, back to feeling loved and safe. G-d is always with us, holding our hand, even when we feel all alone.

The Torah teaches us that taking care of this gift, our life, is very important. It's like being given the most beautiful plant to take care of. We wouldn't stop watering it or leave it in the dark, right? We take care of it because we want to see it grow and blossom. That's how we should take care of ourselves too, helping ourselves grow and be strong, with lots of love, kindness, and by reaching out for help if we need it.

If we ever feel lost or scared, our bravery can be shown by asking for help, talking to someone we trust, and remembering we're never alone. G-d's love is like a warm hug around us, always there to comfort and guide us.

If you or a friend ever feel really sad, it's okay to say you're not okay. It's really brave to talk about your feelings and ask for help. Just like if you saw someone else feeling sad, you'd want to help them, right? We can be heroes by taking care of ourselves and each other, making sure we all remember how special we are.

Did you know King David wrote a lot of songs we sing and say throughout the week? In many of them, he shared his feelings of sadness, fear, and loneliness. But even when he was sad, he always turned to G-d, talking to Him like talking to a best friend. Elijah, the Prophet, felt so alone and scared that he wanted to give up. But do you know what happened? G-d sent an angel to comfort him, to give him food and water, and to remind him that he wasn't alone. And Joseph! He was thrown into a pit and sold by his own brothers, ending up far from home. Joseph must have felt very sad and alone. But he never lost faith in G-d. And what happened? G-d showed He was with Joseph the entire time, helping him through other people. His sadness and difficult life helped him become a great leader who saved many people, including his own family.

It's normal to feel sad sometimes, just like King David, Elijah, and Joseph did. But just like them, we can talk to G-d about our feelings, knowing He's always listening. And just like them, we're never alone; G-d is always with us, guiding us and helping us through tough times. Sometimes G-d helps us through angels, miracles, or other people. And sometimes you are the one whom God wants to use to help someone else!

Always remember, you're a shining star in a big, beautiful world. G-d gave us this world to take care of, and that includes taking care of ourselves and each other. When things seem dark, let's help each other find the light, because together, we can make everything bright again.

After a heavy rainstorm, there comes the rainbow, a sign of hope and new beginnings. G-d's love for us is like the most beautiful rainbow, full of colors and light, reminding us that after tough times, good things are coming. We are all important, we all have a purpose, and we are all loved very much by G-d.

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