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Writer's pictureAustin James


Foundation (יסוד, Yesod) signifies the underlying basis or support for something, whether it be the physical world, moral values, or spiritual realities. Within scripture, it generally relates to fundamental principles or truths upon which moral and religious life is built. This includes the basic tenets of faith, such as the belief in one G-d, the importance of following G-d's commandments, and the value of love towards one another.


The term ‘Yesod’ (foundation) is also associated with the qualities of righteousness and integrity, drawing a connection between ethical behavior and the stability of both individual lives and the broader community. In a communal sense, it represents the ethical building block upon which society should be built, emphasizing the importance of trustworthiness, honesty, and moral rectitude. In the individual, it symbolizes the underlying platform of faith, discipline, and moral clarity. A strong foundation in individuals is the basis which all things in their life are built on. This implies that these principles (truth, core beliefs, and morals) structure their spiritual aspirations and cause them to live in a way that reflects those attributes. By strengthening one's G-dly foundational traits, a person can better connect with G-d.

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