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Writer's pictureAustin James

Drawing close to the omnipresent

In the physical world, you can bring things close to you by moving things closer in space and time. For example, if I have a blue circle and a gray square, I can move them closer together if I place them closer together in both time and space. In the physical realm, closeness is done through proximity. Closeness and separation in the physical realm in only achieved through physical proximity.

But what about the spiritual realm? Is it possible to not be close physically but become close to something 'spiritually'? To spiritually draw closer, we must transform ourselves into the thing we want to draw closer to. While you can certainly feel more spiritually close when physical closeness is attached to it, spiritual closeness behaves differently.

However, G-d is everywhere at all times. This means an evil person is just as close to G-d as the most righteous person in the physical realm. But since G-d is spiritual and not physical, we must draw closer spiritually rather than physically. We can ascend the tallest mountain and 'feel' closer to G-d, but we won't be spiritually closer than if we were floating through space or trapped at the lowest part of the ocean.

To understand this in a more relatable example, we can use this concept within the context of friendship. Two friends can be physically close to each other by being in the same place at the same time. These friends would be “close friends” by proximity in the physical world. But for these two friends to be “close friends” in the spiritual, it would require that they have some commonality or resemblance to each other. It could be a bond over their love for a sport or a shared trauma. Whatever the case may be, the more ‘shared’ commonality of these two will ultimately make them “closer” through transformation.

To draw closer to G-d should be done through the "transformation of self" into a perfect example of G-d, imitating all His ways in thought, speech, and deed. The tool of transformation/creation is His Torah which encapsulates His desires and will. His Torah is the light that pierced the darkness and created the universe. With the proper motive and intention combined with His Torah, we can be “re-created” as new creations and transform ourselves to become more like Him. And when we draw spiritually closer, we unite like a husband and wife who are perfectly matched.

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