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Writer's pictureAustin James




"Mitzvah" (מצוות), which translates to "commandment" in English are the Divine commandments given by G-d, which form the foundation of a G-dly life and practice. The first five books of the Bible contain 613 commands, encompassing a wide range of instructions for G-d’s people to follow. In doing so, they fulfill the commands and the desire of G-d.


These 613 commandments are traditionally divided into two types:


Positive Commandments: These are commandments that require an action, such as giving to charity or honoring your father and mother.


Negative Commandments: These commandments prohibit certain actions such as stealing or murdering.


Fulfilling these commandments is a way of strengthening a relationship with G-d, improving oneself, and sanctifying the mundane aspects of daily life. Each command is seen as an opportunity to connect with the will of G-d and help bring heaven to earth.


A foundational verse that discusses the importance of observing the mitzvot is found in Deuteronomy 11:1:


"And you shall love the L-rd your G-d, and keep His charge, and His statutes, and His judgments, and His commandments, always."


This verse emphasizes love for G-d as the foundation for observing the command, highlighting the intrinsic connection between Divine commandments and the expression of faithful devotion. However, in order for a command to be truly fulfilled, the intention must be correct. Accidentally dropping pocket change near a homeless shelter doesn’t fulfill the will of G-d, it must be done with the right intentions and purposefully.

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