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Writer's pictureAustin James


"Atonement" (כפרה, Kaparah), originates from the root כ.פ.ר, meaning to cover or to wipe out. It is a profound concept that encapsulates the processes through which an individual or community is purified and reconciled with G-d. Repentance, however, is required for atonement. Without true and sincere repentance, there is no atonement.


Even with sacrifices, repentance was required before any sacrifice could be considered valid. The sacrifice itself was the act of “making it right” in a tangible way. Demonstrating a desire beyond just words. It was a way of rebuilding what was broken.


With the destruction of the temple, the “sacrifices” have been replaced by deeds of kindness, charity, prayer, and sacrificing fleshly desires (such as fasting). The process of individual atonement is through repentance and spiritual sacrifices. Through this process, each individual becomes more refined and each person is able to repair the broken parts of their personal relationship with G-d.


With the coming of the Messiah, he will usher in a time of universal atonement and spiritual purification. In this future era, the hearts of the people will be fully turned towards G-d, and the knowledge of G-d and G-d’s desires will cover the earth through the Messiah. The Messianic age will be a time of peace and harmony, where the need for atonement is transcended by a world imbued with G-dliness. It is through the cover of Messiah that we will know the true will of G-d and be filled with a desire to do His will, as it says in Ezekiel 36:27:


 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.”

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