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Writer's pictureAustin James




The concept of "holy" (קודש, Kodesh) is richly textured, embodying the notion of separation, dedication, and purity. It's defined as something set apart from the mundane, dedicated to the service of G-d, and imbued with a sense of purity and sanctity. This definition is encapsulated in the Torah, where holiness is both an attribute of G-d and a state that the Israelites are commanded to strive for.


One foundational citation comes from Leviticus 19:2, where G-d commands Moses:

"Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them: Ye shall be holy; for I the L-rd your G-d am holy."


This verse underscores the aspiration towards holiness as a reflection of G-d's own sanctity, setting the framework for numerous laws and practices designed to cultivate a holy life among the people of Israel.


Being Holy isn’t a passive trait, though. The concept of Holiness extends beyond and into the active state as well. It’s a constant engagement of spiritual refinement, abstaining from the negative commands while also actively pursuing the positive ones. As the verse states, “Be holy for I am holy,” we must align our soul with the Divine attributes and practices to mirror G-d on earth through how we live. So that, through us, people will see the Father.

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