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Writer's pictureAustin James




The Hebraic term “Echad” (אחד) meaning "one" or "unity," embodies profound spiritual and relational principles which emphasize the oneness of G-d as well as the unity between individuals, particularly in the context of marriage and community.


The oneness of G-d, represented by Echad, is a fundamental tenet of the faith, most famously declared in the prayer from Deuteronomy:


 "Hear, O Israel: The L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is one." (Deuteronomy 6:4)


This articulation affirms the absolute, indivisible unity of G-d, challenging any notion of polytheism or division within the Divine nature. G-d's oneness signifies that He is the sole, sovereign creator and sustainer of the universe, transcending yet intimately involved with His creation. The belief in G-d as “Echad” shapes our understanding of the world as a unified whole, governed by a single, benevolent will.


The concept of Echad also deeply resonates within the context of marriage, reflecting the unity between a man and a woman, or man and G-d. This is articulated in Genesis 2:24, where it states, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Echad in human relationships suggests that through love, commitment, and spiritual growth, individuals can transcend their separate selves to achieve a higher unity, both with each other and with G-d. This spiritual perspective elevates the concept of marital unity to a Divine act, reflecting the human capacity to mirror G-d's oneness through the bonds of love and partnership.


G-d is considered a consuming fire, and just as a fire ‘consumes’ other fires (like two candles which come together to create a single flame), the idea of “echad” may be best understood as a singular flame. Each person is a candle, and when ‘connected’ their spirits (flames) become one. Ultimately, our true “source” is G-d, and to be “one with G-d” is to connect back with Him in spirit and in truth. Becoming a candle among many sharing a greater flame.

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