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The Gospels
Join us as we venture through the gospels verse-by-verse, and unpack what the writers meant to convey to their audiences. Using the exegetical toolset of rabbinic Judaism in the 1st century along with the cultural and religious context of the day, we present to you, "The Numash Project".
The Case For Torah
Arguments For Adopting Torah Practice. We spend a lot of time answering common arguments against Torah observance, correcting common...
Before Abraham was, I am
The statement in John 8:58, " Before Abraham was, I am , " has often been interpreted within Christian theology as a claim to divinity....
Finding Peace Amid Chaos
Finding peace during difficult times is one of life’s greatest challenges. Often, when we face hardship, it feels like we are engulfed by it
Fulfill or Abolish
In the fifth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, Yeshua uses a word that has ignited significant debate and controversy within the evangelical...
You Heard, but I Say
“You have heard that it was said to the ancient ones, ‘You shall not murder;’ and ‘Whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’  ...
14, 14, 14 (Matthew 1:17)
So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; from David to the exile to Babylon fourteen generations; and from...
The Numash Project
The Numash project is an in-depth, verse-by-verse commentary starting with the Gospel of Matthew.
The Virgin Birth of Jesus?
The birth of Jesus has been interpreted in various ways throughout history.
Messiah from Solomon & Nathan?
Matthew and Luke have different genealogies for Jesus, which has led to mass speculation and debate over why the two differ.
Matthew 23: The Seat of Moses and The Statements of Woe
Most will agree that this idea of tithing spices is not specified in the written Torah...
Paul's Letters
Should I Convert To Judaism?
Paul’s Ancient Advice And Its Relevance Today. The short answer is: No, no and no (if you know, you know.) If you’re still here, it’s...
The 2nd Adam: Similar Trials
Jesus is often referred to as the "second Adam," but what does that really mean? How is Jesus similar to Adam? While there are many ways...
Our Righteousness is Filthy Rags
Imagine you are a son or daughter, and your father tells you exactly what to do, and you do it perfectly. With a smile on your face, you...
Let No One Judge You, Except...
Many translations have an issue with Colossians 2:16-17, but generally it stems from a presupposition that the law is done away with, and...
Noachide Laws & Acts 15
The Noachide Laws, also known as the Noahide or Noachian Laws, consist of seven commandments given to Noah and his descendants. These...
The Moral Sacrifice of a Child?
Human Sacrifice In addressing the theological question of Yeshua's (Jesus') sacrifice, it's imperative to recognize that the concept of...
The Four Priesthoods
There are several forms of Priesthood mentioned in the Torah. The Levitical Priesthood, established at the time of the Torah's revelation...
Guilty of the Whole Law
Often, people are unintentionally promoting lawlessness to proclaim their innocence, and James 2:10 is an excellent example of scriptural...
Are we Judaizers?
What is a Judaizer? Very often, we in the "Torah observant" community of Christians tend to hear the term "Judaizer" thrown at us quite a...
Resurrection Preached at Sinai
"For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them (Israelites at Sinai)..." Hebrews 3:18a One of the critical elements of the...
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