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About Us

Bridging The Gap

AltarnateMedia's goal is to bridge the gap between Orthodox Judaism and Christianity by restoring the Pharisaic identity of Jesus and his original followers. We believe Jesus intended his followers to imitate him, following the highest standards of Orthodox Judaism, which many called The Sect of The Way before it transformed into a separate religion called Christianity. By providing rabbinical understanding, we hope to give clarity to both Jews and Christians, and restore the original meaning and intention of the gospel writers. 

Support the Mission

Bringing our mission to the world requires a lot of help from our supporters. Whether through our website subscriptions or one-time donations, it requires your support to help build the bridge. We only ask that you give what you are financially comfortable with giving and nothing more.

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Faith Statement


We believe that G-d is the perfect creator, non-corporeal, eternal, infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. We believe He is one as he revealed himself in Deuteronomy 6:4, and we are to exclusively worship Him alone. We believe the Holy Name (Tetragrammaton) and all titles of G-d should be treated with the highest level of reverence.


Messiah & Messianic Age

We believe in the future arrival of the Messiah, resurrection of the dead, and a literal physical Kingdom of G-d in the future Messianic Era.


We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah son of Joseph (Moshiach ben Yoseph) who lived as the Torah (the Word) to establish the correct Halacha (correct practice and application of G-d’s law).


We believe that the death of Messiah son of Joseph is the propitiation for sins for those who put their faith in G-d and enter into the covenants made with the Jewish people. We believe that his resurrection was the first fruits of the resurrection to come at the end of days where he will rule from the throne of David in Jerusalem as The Messiah Son of David (Moshiach ben David).



We believe in the revelation of the Torah (Genesis through Deuteronomy) at Mt. Sinai was given to Moses and passed down through the generations as the primary authority and standard for all scripture. We believe the Torah is the divine revelation of G-d, His righteousness, and the description of the Holy (separate from the world) lifestyle for his people and the community of believers.


Oral Torah
We believe in the validity of the oral traditions and rabbinic authorities that do not directly contradict the teachings of Yeshua, as established Halacha.

Tanakh & New Covenant Writings
We believe in the biblical canon of the Tanakh as the primary source of scripture and the new covenant writings as halachic (legal) authority for the  followers of Yeshua. We believe in the validity of using the relevant historical and cultural/political contexts are important for proper interpretation of the Biblical texts.


The People

We believe the Jewish people and the eternal covenants G-d made with them cannot be replaced. We believe that all non-Jewish followers of Yeshua are “grafted” into Israel. While this does not make a person legally Jewish, they are equal participants of the covenant promises. We believe a person is justified by faith through grace alone as a gift of G-d and that salvation cannot be earned by the merit of the individual.

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